At first glance, the term Somalia evokes unpleasant feelings, conditioned by the wonderful film ``Black Hawk Down,'' the footage of jeeps dragging the corpses of American marines through the streets, the inevitable children with bloated bellies and flies on their eyelids, pirates who, like 300 years ago, still fill the headlines of the world press, escaped Islamists and general lawlessness.
But even so, Somalia ``exists'' in the collective vocabulary of paradise. ``Whatever, just like in Somalia'' is not an unheard of sentence. In that collective mind, Africa consists of Egypt (because of the pyramids), South Africa (because of the secular), Zimbabwe (because of the name that people find funny), Nigeria (football) and Somalia. Yes, and that country where there was a genocide, whatever it was called... But that's another story. As someone in an attempt to be witty noted - Somalia is the real life answer to Mad Max. Maybe it's some black Baba Zanetti on the coast of the Indian Ocean who replaced his engine with a boat.
What is certain is that most of the territory of former Somalia is stateless. The state of Somalia was established on the territory that was Italian Somalia and British Somaliland, with decolonization as the antithesis of the scramble for Africa. Later, the ex-colonies were united into a British colony that, in the wave of declaring independence at the end of the fifties, itself became an independent state. State!!!
From 1960 to 1969, some pro-Western despots ruled, until in 1969, after a bloody coup, the Marxist Mohamed Siad Barre came to power. Aid from Eastern Europe followed, several wars with neighbors and domestic `traitors`, famine, misery, corruption, Bob Geldof, white uniforms and medals – heaven and earth reigned supreme and in January 1991 an uprising broke out where various clans united in order to overthrow the regime. But here an unexpected twist occurred because it was not just a matter of overthrowing the regime but also of overthrowing the state as an entity.
The leaders of some of the larger clans tried to establish state power for themselves but all of this ended unsuccessfully and `power` usually extended to a few neighborhoods of Mogadishu. Every attempt to establish a central government was met with armed resistance. A civil war began in an attempt not only to exploit the power vacuum but also to restore the state. The restoration was forced by the UN, which immediately sent "blue helmets" to the field, heavily armed forces that ultimately ended ingloriously and were withdrawn after heavy losses, including the famous Black Hawks and Pakistani tanks.
After five years of war and the withdrawal of foreign troops and their support for favored clans - a relative peace begins that lasts from 1996 to 2006, Somalia disappears from the pages of the press and television and Anarchy All Over Somalia stabilizes. Of course, stability is not for sale, who wants to read and watch for peace in the Horn of Africa!? Doesn't everyone know that some strange biological entities thrive there, evolutionary freaks of human flesh with grafted AK-47s that have grown into their hands?
In the part that once belonged to the Crown, the state has been restored, the Republic of Somaliland retains the statist framework but remains unrecognized by the outside world. The part that belonged to Italy remains in anarchy and signs of prosperity appear.
Then again...
Then again it can't be like that and in 2006 there is a rise of Islamists, supported by Saudi petro-dollars. In this case it is difficult to talk about Islamists of the rank of the Taliban, more about Islamists who love dollars, alcohol, drugs and expensive off-road jeeps. Maybe even rock-n-roll although I would not dare to claim such a thing. But even as they are, they manage to establish control over a large part of Somalia. Ethiopia intervenes, sending troops and air force against the Islamists, supported by the USA and the UN, who try to push the idea of a state again through the cannons of the Abyssinian army. Yes, Ethiopia of all the countries. There is also something patriotic about it, the war for Ogaden when the Marxist brothers Mengistu Mariam and Siad Barre sent an army to slaughter each other for a few kilometers of dust.
Bye-bye Anarchy, the state and religion return to "save" the people. Eight years of a new civil war follow with a few "oases" where certain clans of pagan origin remain outside the chaos. After the fall of Anarchy, the coast of Somalia becomes interesting for fishing companies from various countries, including Japan. Huge fishing factory ships devastate the fish stocks on which the survival of hundreds of thousands of coastal residents depends.
Faced with hunger, people turn to the revival of a forgotten craft, made famous by Stevenson's novels - piracy. Pirates are achieving spectacular results, from capturing Saudi tankers to cargo ships under Liberian or Bahamian flags transporting tanks and missiles from ex-Soviet countries to random African despot clients. The world is `horrified` and sends serious naval forces to put an end to piracy. The Bab el Mandeb Strait is also nearby, which is a feeder to the Suez Canal, and threatening such a sea route is a crime against modern corporatism. Fifteen men on a dead man`s chest yohohooo and a barrel of Oil. It is certain that the number of pirate attacks has been reduced by interventions, and hunger reigns again on the coast. Ten years is not a little for a human being. And ten years of Anarchy for a geographical entity, previously ravaged by wars, corruption, hunger, epidemics and tyranny? Who knows. Whatever would be the case, the phrase resurfaces. And today there is only a shadow of a central government that rules over two cities and nothing more. There are also Islamists who want to replace the deity of the State with the deity of Allah.
Both "options" are only seemingly opposed because they are too similar to each other in their basis. Both are dependent on the dollar deity. Both are financed by money collected from taxpayers across the seven seas, many of whom have never heard of Somalia.
It is an inexhaustible source.
And they will continue to pay, until the last fighter against the state and Allah falls dead, from a bullet, hunger or disease, it doesn't matter.
Two studies that deal with the Anarchy in the Horn of Africa, at the following links:
(Roger Mortis 031)