Monday, November 4, 2024

Is Patriotism a Mental Illness?

The broad definition states the following: any disorder of brain function that affects thought processes, emotions, or the ability to interact mutually and beneficially with the environment and surroundings is a patrio...oops...mental illness.

Patriotism itself and its stupid brother, nationalism, are based on "love" for some imaginary entity called "the state" or "the people" in the most common sense of the use of these terms. It also implies some positive difference to all other entities that are named as nations and states.

Emotions directed at imaginary entities is nothing new, religion is the best indicator of how far it can escalate.              

But patriotism as a relatively new phenomenon with it`s climax in mid 20th Century. If in religion at least "love" was given to some omnipotent entity called God, from whom a reward with eternal life was expected, in the case of patriotism we have an emotionally one-sided attitude towards some features on a geographical map and some name that indicates that territory. Of course, behind that concept are hidden quite specific mechanisms for the robbery of the population of a certain territory and exploitation, joined by robing blind the resources of that place on the earth. The genius lies in the brainwashing that asks the victims to love their perpetrator, because it sells them a story of uniqueness, belonging to a greater whole, and the deep fears that every average lobotomized member of a nation tries to avoid during his earthly life.

In other words, patriotism thrives on the fertile soil of the individual's cowardice and mental inertia. Just like many other mental disorders.

This mental illness exploded on a world scene with the rebranding of states into nations in the 18th century. Mostly thanks to the by-product of the French Revolution, that pure evil dictator known as Napoleon Bonaparte.

No patriot or nationalist can explain what is good in the mentioned entities. What is it that leads to an emotional engagement from him to the imagined social construct. Is, for example, masturbation on the Macedonian edition of Playboy an expression of patriotism? Or is it still just masturbation? If it is the former, then patriotism and masturbation are equivalent.

By its action, patriotism prevents the development of a person by eternally insisting on not asking questions (there was a J.F. Kennedy statement in that direction) and conditioning the individual. In the territory known as North Macedonia and the year 2024, this disease is increasingly present. And threatens to kill any independent opinion and prevent any tipping point in the direction of individual and collective values ​​contrary to patriotism. And even worse, in many cases man is conditioned between biological survival and his own attitude. Guess what has the priority.

But patriotism is a disease of pandemic proportions.

An empty personal life and the lack of a clearly defined idea of ​​one's own worth is replaced by ready-made belief models that are derivatives, thus opening the way for a mass epidemic of patriotism, against which the plague pandemic in the 14th century known as the Black Death is only pleasant a spring breeze caressing your hair on a beautiful sunny May afternoon. Only in the 20th century, patriotism and nationalism, according to the most conservative estimates, are responsible for the death of 455 million people in several hundred wars fought on all continents.

Except for Antarctica.

Fortunately, there is almost nothing in Antarctica.

Bacteria and viruses don't grow much there, and neither does patriotism...

What should be done? How we escape the pulling power of this evil? Well, step one, kill the patriot within you!

After that, continue into the neighborhood. Be proactive. Talk to people. Write a Blog. Do anything for the love of all that`s holly.

(Roger Mortis 006)

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