Friday, January 10, 2025

Alchemical bastards

No pain no gain, they said.

What about lotta pain and shit full of gain. That, they never say.

I-Phone anarchists, champagne socialists, pork islamists, caviar communists, dollar patriots - everywhere the abject need for belonging creates hideous monsters without any ideological basis, let alone consistency, the need to always be in the flabby semi-context of the herd, mixing oil and water, fulfilling the dream of the former alchemists and fantasizing that it is possible to turn shit into gold, maybe not real gold but gilding in any case. Looks like shit, smells like shit and talks like shit, but it`s gold folks! And we are proud to be a part of it! We`re golden! And if We are golden, so am I?

Liberals that Khomeini would be proud of, Russians that Jesus would gladly liquidate, traditionalists - owners of a wide range of hepatitis and gonorrhea, family people whose children are strangers in the night, idiots with bigger nominal titles than Tesla, moralists - diminutive maniacs, hardcore Nazis who fuck in the ass and die of AIDS, racists who smoke on blacks, the incredible orgy of superficiality reigns everywhere.

Instant belonging, instant declarations, hollow in the void, value for money. No one can pave the way for someone else, there is no messiah who will take on the sins of others on his back, there is no ideologue who will create a matrix of well-being, there is no Guru who will open the gates of perception, there is no one and there is nothing.

Apart from the price paid on the path that everyone must walk alone, which most likely leads nowhere, and if it does lead us somewhere - it costs much more than we imagined at the beginning of the individual Odyssey. Of course, before setting off on the individual path, no one will give a warning that the cards have long been dealt and that it will be hell. Kismet.

Hope is a powerful drug, beats coke in round one.

Rant over.

(Roger Mortis 030)

Monday, January 6, 2025

Privates on Drugs

The use of narcotics during the most massive massacres of the 20th century, a century in which drugs were outlawed for the first time, is a classic tragedy of statism, where on the one hand we have draconian legislation aimed at any possible dealer of Meth (or any drug), but only if that dealer is not authorized by the state. In the event that he is authorized, the drug is wonderful, humane and irreplaceable.

And patriotic!

A tragedy in which the main actors are Methamphetamine, cheap hypocrisy and the drugged up killing machine known as the War Hero.

Methamphetamine, first synthesized in 1893, already in the twenties attracted the attention of the Imperial Japanese Army and somewhat later the German Wehrmacht. In both cases we have a mass distribution of Meth tablets to soldiers (especially tankers and pilots) in combat conditions. The most bizarre form was the German chocolates filled with Speed ​​(known as `Pervitin`) which were distributed to the army. Speed ​​so sweet.

Billions of doses were issued first to the Wehrmacht and the Japanese army and later after seizing a certain amount in 1941. and the Soviet Red Army begins mass production and use of the so-called "Vint", cheap crystal meth, especially for the heroes of the liberation war. Second bizarre fact - when searching the corpses of German soldiers, prisoners or seized supplies by Soviet soldiers, "Pervitin" had priority. Finland, the USA and Britain are other countries known to have used this drug to enhance patriotic fervor and suicidal courage.

How many Japanese suicide "Banzai" attacks were carried out because of Meth and not because of patriotism is hard to say. How much of a role this drug played in the initial successes of the "Blitzkrieg" is not hard to guess. If an SS man could march twice as far as a French or Polish mobilized peasant (trained to work hard and well conditioned) and if he could get by on half as much sleep - the conclusion is not very complicated.

How many casualties fell because a recruit, naturally reluctant to excel in combat, was hit with Speed ​​and suddenly felt like a superhero with a mission to make the enemy cry is not known. Nor how many civilians died during the trigger happy trips of a random private or corporal. How many recruits would have returned home alive or at least returned home without missing an eye, leg, arm, liver or spleen... is just a sad rhetorical question.

Speed ​​is not the only drug used or developed for combat use, just the most massive. The super-drug D-9, which was tested on human guinea pigs after concentration camps and which was supposed to create super-soldiers, with an extremely high pain threshold, endurance and fitness... is just one of the drug secrets of World War II. The consequences of the continuous use of Meth by soldiers are not even known because drugging "their own" soldiers was an official secret that took decades to surface from the septic tank of statism.

The drugs continued their march further, to Korea, Vietnam, ex-Yugoslavia, Africa, Iraq or in almost all post-WW2 conflicts. Synthetics joined alcohol in the realm of militaristic drugs, suitable for inducing false courage and fierce patriotism that once smelled only of Rakija. New time - new aromas.

It is important to have love for the country that loves us and protects us from drugs.

(Roger Mortis 029)

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Coming of age of the Leviathan

By promoting state patriotism and nationalism as its clearer version, phenomenal results are obtained for the ruling elites. The masses gain a new emotion, a new group is obtained to which the frightened individual will belong with a simple declaration of belonging, on the occasion of his birth between certain lines on the map. Or to his ancestors. Or just like that...

There is still no answer to what is positive in patriotism/nationalism. For the people. For the oligarchies, there is always one. It is just one of the mechanisms for the slaves to keep quiet and have a blockage in their minds, a kind of firewall in case they start thinking about what influence the state has on their lives, what they really lose and what they really gain.

The twentieth century was certainly the bloodiest in all of history. Perhaps an indicator that with the sophistication of the state in line with technological development, there would be a possibility of rejecting the idea of ​​the inability of the individual or group to decide for their lives without the tutelage of the competent bureaucrat? Quite the opposite, unfortunately, the twentieth century was the century of the height of nationalism and the century of half a billion people killed by states. After all, technology enabled the development of propaganda without precedent. The role of this new phenomenon was best described by none other than the master of propaganda, the hero of the apotheosis of the idea of ​​the state, the nation and the race - Joseph Goebbels. From the horse`s mouth, as they say :

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State."

Yes, the Lie!

That you share common interests with people you have never seen and will never see in your life, that you are being robbed for your own good, that you are a commodity that cannot do without a yoke, that there are `internal and external enemies` lurking everywhere, that your life does not belong to you but to persons delegated by the oligarchy for that purpose. That if you have no emotions for your fellow human beings, there are football players or ping pong players who you will love fiercely but seasonally, in installments, and that is the authentic You who has found yourself.

They will never tell you how much death, pain, misery and suffering the idea of ​​a state has brought to man. They will never tell you how much of your life will be taken away by the state. That you would never cast an `anchor` of your own free will at the offered emotional and identificational `harbors`. But never.

They will never tell you that what you expected to receive as feedback is just a cheap myth that is not supported by any legally valid document, a myth, an illusion of the skillfully adjusted scales in order not to outweigh the instinct for biological survival and to play weapons.

And I am embarrassed to tell you that that instinct is on the verge of defeat, if not already completely defeated.

(Roger Mortis 028)

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Spawn of the Leviathan

Once a certain class of parasites in human form came to know how to seize the surplus products of a certain territory that they declared a state, a relatively simple dynamic of events followed, an eternal circle of plunderers and plundered.

But no matter how strong the organized mysticism, dollars for donuts, often there were public and unambiguous outbursts of discontent expressed in peasant and slave rebellions and uprisings, eliminations of the aristocracy, clergy and ruling families. Perhaps the most famous example from the ``old times`` are the slave wars in the Roman Empire, especially the Third Slave War in which the slaves brought the Empire to the brink of collapse. The name of Spartacus has remained to this day as a symbol of the struggle against the state and exploitation. But Spartacus himself is only a drop in the ocean in the 7 millennia-old struggle between parasites and saprophytes on two legs. From today's `forgetting` to file a tax return or to declare real income (double-entry bookkeeping) to the beheaded Archbishop of Canterbury or the emptying of a cartridge in the body of US President McKinley, the struggle is seemingly eternal and lasts with varying intensity, geographical, cultural, psychological and individual differences are also the differences in the depiction of that struggle.

The basic postulates of organized force for the purpose of enforcing the collection of tribute from a population limited by a certain border from another population remain unchanged from the ancient times of Sumer to the present day. The difference is in the technology that has changed and given new forms of plunder.

The old scheme, the divine right to rule, lasted for about five and a half millennia. And quite successfully with the help of the clergy (whether the imaginary companions were arranged in a pantheon, solitary but still tripartite, or one and absolute) the era of the state as the regulator of all relations in society was never seriously shaken, although there were several significant challenges. Until the late Middle Ages. Then slaves become kinda restless.

Thus we come to another defining moment in history, and that is the emergence of nation-states. After the weakening of the influence of religion and its role in protecting the state order, due to the Renaissance, the industrial revolution, the great scientific and geographical discoveries, astronomical heresies, interfaith wars and the corruption of the churches (especially the Catholic), new ideologies and philosophies (perhaps best represented by Diderot's statement `Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest`) and the era of rationalism, the hundreds if not thousands of serf revolts, uprisings and revolutions across Europe and Asia... the need for a new imaginary friend to whom the elite would refer in its continued survival and expansion at someone else's expense was obvious.

Enters the new deception. The Nation.

But that novelty had to impress the priests of secular mysticism as well. The scholars and the literate. To respond to the new challenge of belonging to a group. Larger then thyself. Always. The fear of God is updated with Love for the nation/state.

For the more rational and optimistic, there are also the alleged benefits from the state-bureaucratic apparatus on the taxpayer. Who has to work twice as hard so as not to have time to wonder how much it really costs what he will supposedly receive if he needs it.

But of course, one thing has remained unchanged. The citizen does not have any document where he agrees with the conditions under which he must exist. How much, whether and if he receives something so that he does not become furious and perceives the naked reality, is decided quite arbitrarily. As in Sumer, so in Belgium.

(Roger Mortis 027)