Saturday, January 4, 2025

Coming of age of the Leviathan

By promoting state patriotism and nationalism as its clearer version, phenomenal results are obtained for the ruling elites. The masses gain a new emotion, a new group is obtained to which the frightened individual will belong with a simple declaration of belonging, on the occasion of his birth between certain lines on the map. Or to his ancestors. Or just like that...

There is still no answer to what is positive in patriotism/nationalism. For the people. For the oligarchies, there is always one. It is just one of the mechanisms for the slaves to keep quiet and have a blockage in their minds, a kind of firewall in case they start thinking about what influence the state has on their lives, what they really lose and what they really gain.

The twentieth century was certainly the bloodiest in all of history. Perhaps an indicator that with the sophistication of the state in line with technological development, there would be a possibility of rejecting the idea of ​​the inability of the individual or group to decide for their lives without the tutelage of the competent bureaucrat? Quite the opposite, unfortunately, the twentieth century was the century of the height of nationalism and the century of half a billion people killed by states. After all, technology enabled the development of propaganda without precedent. The role of this new phenomenon was best described by none other than the master of propaganda, the hero of the apotheosis of the idea of ​​the state, the nation and the race - Joseph Goebbels. From the horse`s mouth, as they say :

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State."

Yes, the Lie!

That you share common interests with people you have never seen and will never see in your life, that you are being robbed for your own good, that you are a commodity that cannot do without a yoke, that there are `internal and external enemies` lurking everywhere, that your life does not belong to you but to persons delegated by the oligarchy for that purpose. That if you have no emotions for your fellow human beings, there are football players or ping pong players who you will love fiercely but seasonally, in installments, and that is the authentic You who has found yourself.

They will never tell you how much death, pain, misery and suffering the idea of ​​a state has brought to man. They will never tell you how much of your life will be taken away by the state. That you would never cast an `anchor` of your own free will at the offered emotional and identificational `harbors`. But never.

They will never tell you that what you expected to receive as feedback is just a cheap myth that is not supported by any legally valid document, a myth, an illusion of the skillfully adjusted scales in order not to outweigh the instinct for biological survival and to play weapons.

And I am embarrassed to tell you that that instinct is on the verge of defeat, if not already completely defeated.

(Roger Mortis 028)

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