Let's look a little at the origin and development of the greatest mass murderer of the genus Homo-sapiens-sapiens, not coincidentally also the most favorite cause of death in the mentioned species. The Plague people love.
The basic mechanism is probably Organized Mysticism, which has been incarnated in its most vile and destructive forms - the state and organized religion. Unlike mysticism among individuals or small groups that use other people's gullibility or superstition for their own purposes, here we have a global phenomenon that few question. And the consequences are global.
Why is this so and where is the "essential fraud" hidden?
The State arose when a certain group of people, powerless to ensure their physical survival by work that produces concrete results (products and services), organized themselves so that they could live on someone else's back.
After the initial organization, one of the defining moments in the history of our civilization was the birth of organized mysticism, which took it a step further by discovering that they could live quite well on the backs of others, and not just to ensure their physical survival. It is difficult to speculate without having the appropriate facts, but probably with the abandonment of the wandering lifestyle of hunter-gatherer communities and the permanent settlement with the birth of agriculture and animal husbandry, a surplus of products was born on the one hand, and a certain type of Homo sapiens who realized that they did not have to depend on the mercy of the community for their survival despite their total unproductiveness.
Of course, they needed appropriate mechanisms with which to achieve their goal.
Enters the State.
Enters the organized religion.
They got married and spawn atrocities in milenia to come.
By themselves, physically and mentally inferior persons, and as such are characterized not by a lack of intelligence and ability to manipulate, but by an inability to create anything, to be creative, to add value to anything, could neither come to power nor rule for long without mysticism. Here we come to the omnipotent gods or god, depending on which variant was in force in which territory. The anonymous authority. The voice in the head. The voice of fear. The alleged giver of the ruler's right to rule, hereditary. Divine right to rule. All holders of power invoked the "right" given by some higher power to sit in power during their earthly life. To be inherited by family members. And not only that, but that system later encompassed entire classes at the top of society and the economy. The birth of the bearers of organized mysticism, the Aristocracy and the clergy.
(Roger Mortis 026)
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