Tuesday, November 29, 2011


(By The Marked One, 112/027)
Wealth, fame, status... these are all mundanities of earthly origin.
People who crave such low and shallow virtues are ought to be labeled shallow and non-ambitious aswell.
Alas, it is all to well known that all of these trivial human desires have no immunity against the sands of time whatsoever.
Their masters all rot and decay, death is their only way out.
Or so it would seem.

Let us assume that we really are meant to fuse back again with one single being of immense energy.
Let us assume that death really is just another path, one that all in existence must eventually take.
How can one possibly accept a destiny like that?
The thought of living only to sustain a form presumably greater is revolting at the very least.
Truly a cog in a clockwork, another brick in the wall.
To welcome such fate is to accept the slave master without question.
Is independence not an option available to humans? Is this God that jealous and terrified of what he or she or it percieves as a potential competitor?!
Well then, is it possible to escape the path?
Evade the avaricy, Gods grasp of greed as he reaches out to recapture what he no longer owns?
Is it possible to cheat death?

Throughout history many have seeked the cure for death, tried to find a way out.
Still, the motives were always eternal power, knowledge, wealth, fame.
It is all too clear that man might never be relieved of the seven deadly sins, but hasn't it really occured to them that God does not yield so easily?
Knowledge as much as I crate its deliciousness, it's really a mere by-product of my true intent.
How would it feel not to be chained down by God. Break the shackles, cast aside the looming shadow of death.
True, men have always looked for a glimpse of the power of a perfect being.
I just want out of the ride. Eternal existence sepperate of Gods. I cannot accept a life of dependance, the life of a cell!

Perhaps these words are the ones who have set me on the right track.
The path to truth.
To freedom.

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